Birthday Animal-diagnosis
In Myanmar, each animal is represented by the day
that we were born since acient times.
In addition to seven days (Monday to Saturday),
Wednesday became 2 days with AM and PM.
So there are eight days and eight animals.
Myanmar people keep the day that they were born
and that day became part of their lives.
Depending on the day of birth,
the basic character and life of the person are guessed.
“The program is only used to produce fortune-telling results and is not used for any other purpose.”

You are kind and generous.
You like to make a challenge.
Troubles can motivate you to break through the barriers to achieve your goals.
You are energetic, and rarely allow life to give up.
You naturally motivate others, and are an inspiration to many.

You are very intelligent.
When you do something, you work properly and actively.
You are strong and patient, but only to a point.
You hate being used and people don't want to waste your time.
You have a strong desire to succeed toward the goal.
You are respectful of laws, and take responsibility for your actions.

You have leadership skill.
You hold yourself with dignity and honor.
You can be an ambitious and motivated.
You make decisions easily and don’t like to compromise.
You’ll take on any challenge.
Wesday (AM)
Elephant(With fangs)

You are unpredictable and enthusiastic.
You may take risks and take action, which sometimes bothers you.
You are a voluntary, people love you for your passion.
You are independent and want to manage all situations.
Elephant(No fangs)

Your facial expression is hard to figure out.
You are a private person and you don't like people who bother your business.
But you are good at promoting yourself and your work.
You like taking action, but only if it’s a sure thing.
You can achieve results in your own way.

You are clever and intelligent.
You can use resources and see things from an opportunistic point of view.
You can be introverted and unstoppable when it comes to getting what you want.
You are driven intensively and have the wisdom to get ahead.
Guinea Pig

You are naturally artistic and creative.
You have a lot of great ideas, but you have a hard time seeing them until they are finished.
You hesitate to pick one thing because you are easily lazy and fed up with the same thing.
You are a loving and very kind person.
But you are very sensitive.

You are philosophical and understanding.
People are naturally attracted to you because you have an easy confidence about you and you have a great sense of humor.
You woulld to like to work alone because you believe your own abality and do not like depending on others.